
Why You Shouldn’t Try to Go Viral on LinkedIn

In the digital world we are living in, “going viral” is something that is constantly being shoved in our faces. We see people go viral on every social media platform- Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, and yes, even LinkedIn. Whether they mean to or not, new faces find their way onto your feed everyday, spouting some new trend, new product, new brand-just about anything you can think of. And after a long-enough period of time determined by our weird social media society, those people often try to spread knowledge to their new wealth of followers on how they too can become internet sensations.

But is “going viral” really what we should be striving for? 

While we can’t speak for every social media platform out there, in terms of going viral on LinkedIn, the answer is NO.

Here’s a Propegy hot take: Going viral should not be your goal when producing content, especially on LinkedIn.

But going viral means more followers, which means bigger eyes on your accounts, which means brand deals, which means a new stream of income, right??

Well, maybe- if you’re lucky. But that isn’t always the case.

If you’re creating content solely for the likes, chances are good the value of your content may be lacking. What you think is going to land with people won’t always land! While it can be great for a little extra reach to plan some content out that links in with social media trends, sometimes trends flop. If a trend isn’t really aligned with your business’s brand or values, it isn’t going to resonate well with your audience. Remember, they follow you specifically because they love your brand and it’s values. Having a strategic calendar of content that focuses on the needs and wants of your audience will give you much more traction than a silly Tik Tok dance.

By this same token, content that is working on Instagram Reels or Tik Tok may not work the same way on Facebook or LinkedIn. People “go viral” on all social media platforms, but audiences on Facebook and LinkedIn may not grasp or appreciate content made for Tik Tok and Reels as much. Content must be tweaked, it isn’t as simple as reposting on each platform.

How can you serve your audience?

One way to make sure you are serving your audience is to talk to them! Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram allow you to make polls! You can hop on Instagram stories to directly ask your audience what content they enjoy seeing most. 

Let’s say you do go viral- intentionally or not- cool! It’s always a great feeling when your content is well-received. That’s why it’s so easy for people to get caught up in achieving that. But what does “going viral” mean if the reception isn’t coming from your ideal client? Or if engagement isn’t turning into people actually wanting to work with you? Sure, your video got 10k views, but that doesn’t mean you’ve gained 10k new connections, followers, or potential clients. Gaining exposure is exciting, but reaching a smaller, targeted audience is sure to see you more success than going viral.

We love a good hot take at Propegy! We also love well thought out content that serves a wider audience, which is why we formed the Thought Leaders Collective! If you’re ready to make a name for yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn by logging on, sharing your genius, and just basking in the glow of your newfound visibility- Thought Leaders Collective is the place for you!

You’ll get weekly LinkedIn prompts, access to our supportive Slack community, weekly co-working opportunities and much much more! Check it out and join us inside here!

Send us a message today to get started and follow us on socials so you can stay up to date on all things TLC and LinkedIn!

Why You Shouldn't Try to Go Viral on LinkedIn
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