
Propegy: Your Team of LinkedIn Experts

As a small business owner or freelancer, it’s easy to feel like the social media odds are against you. There’s constantly some new outlet popping up. This ultimately comes with all the noise telling you “you have to be HERE!,” and “you need to do THIS!” Between all you’re trying to accomplish and uphold in your business and personal life, finding the time to master every platform out there can feel overwhelming and impossible.

Now, blink once if you feel this way about LinkedIn.

Yep, we saw that!

LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the internet. At some point in your career as a freelancer or business owner, someone probably told you “you NEED to be on LinkedIn!” Chances are good this notion scared you because let’s face it, outwardly, LinkedIn can seem like a scary place! To non-users, LinkedIn seems like a stuffy online space where people in business suits connect with one another formally. Stepping away from this idea of LinkedIn takes a total mindset shift…

That’s where Propegy comes in.

Whether you’ve been a follower of Propegy for a long time or are just joining the conversation about LinkedIn- welcome!

At Propegy, our goal is to help online service providers create genuine connections to grow their business on LinkedIn, without feeling spammy. We are those people telling you, “you NEED to be on LinkedIn” because YOU DO!

Contrary to popular belief, LinkedIn isn’t just this scary, stuffy place for men and women in suits.  LinkedIn is a continuously growing platform with over 750 million users from just about any profession you can think of! It’s the place to be if you’re looking for like-minded professionals to connect with. PLUS you’ll have a sea of new potential clients right at your fingertips!

Perhaps you’re on LinkedIn or new to the platform, but you have no clue how to go about finding these new connections or how to genuinely connect with them once you do.

We’ve got you covered.

With Propegy’s guiding principle, the Genuine Lead Gen Method, we teach others how to find their people, nurture their network, and leverage their relationships. We know it works because we’ve seen the results ourselves! By taking the work that we’ve done on our own and streamlining it, we’ve established a strategy that is attainable for anyone looking to attract new leads in a genuine and consistent way!

We can get you started on your LinkedIn journey- with TLC

If you’re ready to make a name for yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn by logging on, sharing your genius, and just basking in the glow of your newfound visibility- Thought Leaders Collective is the place for you!

You’ll get weekly LinkedIn prompts, access to our supportive Slack community, weekly co-working opportunities and much much more! Check it out and join us inside here!

There is truly an offering for everyone at every stage of their LinkedIn journey! We are here to help every step of the way. We want you to come to love LinkedIn just as much as we do!

Interested in learning more about Propegy or one of our programs? Send us a message today and follow along on our socials so you don’t miss a beat! Thanks for being here!

Propegy: Your Team of LinkedIn Experts
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