3 Common Objections to LinkedIn Lead Gen (And How We Can Help!)
At Propegy, we hear lots of objections to LinkedIn. Today we are going to talk about 3 common objections to LinkedIn Lead Gen. Lead generation refers to capturing interest for a product or service from your audience and funneling those audience members into your sales pipeline via strategic engagement and nurturing of your relationship. Sounds so official, right? And adding LinkedIn into the mix might sound even more official, and dare we say…scary?
Well, put those thoughts out of mind! While LinkedIn is often thought of as a forum for suit-and-tie businessmen, it’s important that we shift that mindset towards the notion that LinkedIn is for every business owner- large, small, and everything in between! Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is the perfect place to connect with like-minded business professionals, potential clients, and potential employers/employees all in one place!
Still feeling skeptical about using LinkedIn as a vehicle in your Lead Gen strategy? We can put your mind at ease. Here are 3 common objections to LinkedIn Lead Gen and how Propegy’s Level Up with LinkedIn Lead Gen program can help you find peace of mind!
3 Common Objections to LinkedIn Lead Gen
Objection #1:
“I don’t have as large a following on LinkedIn as I do on other social platforms- my audience is too small.”
Needing a large audience on LinkedIn for your lead gen strategy to be effective is a huge misconception! It’s assumed that the larger the following on social platforms like Facebook/Instagram/Tik Tok, the more successful a business/business owner is. While that stigma may ring true for other social platforms, the same doesn’t apply to LinkedIn.
The whole point of using LinkedIn is to grow one’s network! You really can start from nothing and still foster a close-knit network of like-minded professionals. LinkedIn provides you with common connections in a clearer way than other social platforms, making it easy to connect with other individuals in your industry or other people that know your current connections.
In the Level Up with LinkedIn Lead Gen program, we will walk you through the steps of creating a niche-specific search that will put you in contact with the people you are looking to connect with!
This leads to our next objection…
Objection #2:
“I don’t know how to find my ideal client on a platform like LinkedIn.”
If you’ve searched high and low for your ideal client of other forms of social media but have come up short, it’s easy to feel like your ideal client doesn’t even exist! Trust us, your ideal client is definitely on LinkedIn- you just need to know how to find them!
If you’re searching and coming up with nothing or coming up with the wrong people, don’t be discouraged! It could just be that your search is a bit too broad or not broad enough!
As previously mentioned, in the Level Up with LinkedIn Lead Gen program, we will show you how to create the perfect LinkedIn search to find you the exact people you’re looking to connect with! We’ll break down the filters and process in a way that is easy to understand- even if you’ve never used LinkedIn in this way! You will also have the opportunity to hop on monthly accountability calls with our team and submit your searches for feedback! Taking advantage of that personalized time will take your experience in the program up that extra notch!
Objection #3:
“I don’t think I have the time to learn another new strategy or teach it to a team member.”
As a small business ourselves with a small team, we can totally empathize with this objection. But if you are feeling this way, chances are good you’re thinking LinkedIn lead gen involves waaaay more than it does. Having a strong and consistent strategy is key- don’t get us wrong. But you don’t have to devote your whole life to figuring it out or implementing it!
We will teach you how to effectively execute your LinkedIn lead gen that is simple AND easy enough to pass on to a team member! The time commitment that you decide to devote at any given time is all up to you! Each module is broken down into bite-sized pieces, so you can take actionable steps towards building your strategy in as little as 15 minutes at a time. If you miss anything, our video library is continually being updated with the latest information. Accountability calls and feedbacks sessions are totally up to you, but the program IS what you make it!
If you’re ready to make a name for yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn by logging on, sharing your genius, and just basking in the glow of your newfound visibility- Thought Leaders Collective is the place for you!
You’ll get weekly LinkedIn prompts, access to our supportive Slack community, weekly co-working opportunities and much much more! Check it out and join us inside here!